Sunday, October 14, 2012

A little thought

Whether it’s a question of not having enough women, or maybe that there are enough women but only in certain areas, it still remains that education plays a significant role in the reflection of women in the workplace and industry

With over two million students in 2010/2011 ( and for the first time, as of 2010, 51% of young women choosing to enter higher education. ( The demand and need has never been higher.

Now, bearing this in mind lets think about the recent austerity measures and cuts in to higher education in particular the cuts to humanities and arts.

One night possibly even early morning, Arts and Humanities were sauntering back home only to be confronted by the Tory Government, beaten to an inch of their life, left in some alleyway in the middle of London without a phone, robbed of every penny and their credit cards. Friends of Arts and Humanities, blame themselves, ‘I should have walked back with them’, ‘we could have shared a cab’ ‘why didn’t I call to check?’. It’s all crying over spilled milk now, those two won’t ever be the same again and sadly the trauma will last a lifetime.

Quite simply: less money for educating creative’s means less creative’s.

Where does that leave us? 

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